We are excited to be bringing back the CDM Mileage Club 2022-2023 year! It will be open to all 1st- 6th graders on the following days and times:
First and Second Grade | Mondays 12:05 – 12:30 |
Third Grade | Tuesdays 11:45 – 12:10 |
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade | Thursdays 12-12:45 |
We are looking for volunteers to help make our mileage club fun and successful.
We need volunteers who will stand at the starting line and help students to find their Mileage QR Code card. They will then monitor the iPad where the students will self-scan their QR code after each lap.
The mileage club will start on September 19th 2022 and run throughout the 2022-2023 school year. Please sign-up HERE or email [email protected] with any questions regarding the Mileage Club.
Thank you to Nicole Miles Henry at www.nicsolves.com for sponsoring the CDM Mileage program for the 2022-2023 school year!
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