Category Archives: Old
February 12 – 16 in the CDM Library … with classroom ‘sneak peeks on Friday Feb 9th!
Annual CDM Read-a-Thon Oct 16th-20st, 2023
The PTA is excited to announce the CDM Read-a-Thon which will happen from Monday, October 16th and will end on Friday, October 20th. The Read-a-thon is a week-long, school-wide program that encourages students to read more. It is also the only PTA fundraiser of the year! 100% of the Read-a-thon proceeds support educational supplies and student programs at CDM.
To participate, please sign up your student for Read-a-Thon on Pledgestar: https://pledgestar.com/cdmpta/ and send 5 emails. Once you sign up your student, you will be able to add any minutes your child reads (or is being read to) outside of school in the online reading log that can be found in the “enter readers” tab on the website. Even though Read-a-Thon is a fundraiser, you can participate, register and use the reading log for free.