
The Carmel Del Mar Drama Club, along with Junior Actors Company, is very pleased to announce this year’s spring musical, “Alice and Wonderland, Jr”.
Fall down the rabbit hole with Alice as she navigates the curious world of Wonderland on a journey of self-discovery! When young Alice finds herself in a strange world where everything seems upside down, she must find her way home…and find herself along the way.
As she travels through Wonderland, she encounters all of the iconic characters that audiences have come to love: including the ever-tardy White Rabbit, the grinning Cheshire Cat, a cool Caterpillar, the wacky Mad Hatter, and the hot-tempered Queen of Hearts.
Alice in Wonderland Jr. features Disney favorites such as “The Golden Afternoon,” “The Unbirthday Song,” and “Painting the Roses Red” along with brand-new songs, including music from the 2010 live-action film.
Registration will be open to 4th – 6th graders on Thursday 12/19.
*Early enrollment will be offered to PTA members only on 12/17.
Please note: Registration is first come-first serve and everyone who registers is automatically in the show. Auditions are for role placement only.
Auditions will be held on Tuesday 1/14 and Thursday 1/16. All students auditioning should plan to be there for BOTH days from 2:30pm – 4:30pm.
Rehearsals will be held after school, on campus every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30pm – 4:30pm (1/21 – 4/24)
Tech Week rehearsals will be more extensive (4/28 – 5/4)
Performance dates will be May 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Enrollment Tuition – $350
The tuition fee of $350 goes directly to Junior Actors Company to pay for educators, directors, show rights and costumes.
The CDM PTA offers a sibling discount/reimbursement of $50 to families that qualify. Additionally, limited scholarships are available to qualifying, need based applicants.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
The form has reached its submission limit. If you would like to put your name on the waitlist you can do so here: https://carmeldelmarpta.com/waitlist-drama-club/