CDM Read-A-Thon

Thank you for making the 2024 Read-A-Thon a success!

Wow! Thank you for showing that you are the school with the❤️by your giving nature. The PTA is so grateful for your generosity.

 Thank you to everyone for helping us to hit our fundraising goal!!! What a huge success! THANK YOU to all our Amazing and Generous Dragon Families for signing up and donating to our Read a Thon! We are continually impressed and honored to be part of such an amazing community. 

Read-A-Thon 2024 was the week of October 14-18!

What is the Read-A-Thon?

The Read-A-Thon is a week-long, school-wide program that encourages children to read more. It is also the only PTA fundraiser this year! 100% of the proceeds will be used to fund educational materials and programs at Carmel Del Mar. This means it supports all students at our school. Please help us reach our goal of $40,000!

How do I participate?

Register your student on Pledgestar by clicking the button below:

Your student will have an online reading log, and any minutes read outside of school can be logged in that online log. While it is not a requirement for participation, we encourage your student to ask for donations for their reading or parents can ask for donations on their child’s behalf. You can do this by sending out at least 5 emails from the Pledgestar account!

Get excited! Prizes will be given for both reading and donations to the fundraiser. 

How can I “level up” my participation?

Ask your friends and family to sponsor your student’s commitment & participation to reading a realistic number of minutes each day. We are hoping each family will raise at least $100. Please share your student’s fundraising efforts via Facebook, Twitter, text and email directly from your fundraising page.

Have your student track his/her reading. Start a timer at the start of reading and record the minutes on their online Read-A-Thon reading log, found on your child’s Pledgestar page (which can be found next to the student name in the “enter readers” tab on Pledgestar).

What prizes can my child win?

What counts as Reading?

Any time your child spends reading outside of school time during the Read-A-Thon week counts towards the Read-a-Thon (after school, homework, bedtime, etc.) This includes individual reading time and being read to by an adult, sibling or friend. Remember to log the minutes on the reading log each night by 7pm.

Here are all the prizes our CDM Dragons can earn! So many exciting options!

Please note that there are three ways to collect prizes:

Participation – registering and sending out at least 5 emails or texts via Pledgestar
Reading – minutes logged in the online Pledgestar reading log during the event
Fundraising -obtaining donations from family and friends to meet your fundraising goal via Pledgestar.

Where can I get the flyers with all of the information and FAQs?

Right here! Download what you need.

Why does the PTA fundraise?
The CDM PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a parent-funded, all-volunteer organization whose mission is to positively impact, support and enhance the overall learning environment for all students at Carmel Del Mar School. We work closely together with the Principal and teachers/staff to identify programs and needs that touch as many students as possible. See the list of what we fund and organize each year below. We are fortunate to have an extremely generous and supportive community at CDM that has allowed us to give the kids a great school experience! Thank you!

Contact PTA President at

The PTA is a 100% volunteer based organization. All the money donated goes directly to programs and projects that benefit all students at CDM!

Programs funded or supported by Carmel Del Mar PTA
Community Events in a Typical Year:

Annual Ice Cream Social
Red Ribbon Week
Art Night
6th Grad Graduation
Chili Game Night
International Showcase
Field Day

Parent and Student Enrichment in a Typical Year:
Cyber Security presentation
Imagination Machine
Drama Club

Teacher Appreciation in a Typical Year:
Room Parent Coordination
Staff Appreciation Week
Back to School Luncheon
Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Luncheon
Steam+ Room Parent Specialist

Examples of Gifts to School:
Stride Tracker system
Apple TVs
Modern learning classroom furniture
New sound system for outdoor events
Magazine subscriptions for students
Chairs for in-person students
Bike racks for back gate