CDM Drama Club Audition signup is open!

The CDM PTA is thrilled to announce the 22-23 school year Drama Club musical ‘The Wizard of Oz: Youth Edition’ for 4th to 6th graders who attend CDM. Auditions will be held on February 6th and 8th and there will be an all cast call back on February 10th, and the show dates will be May 5th, 6th and 7th.

1. Please sign up for an Audition slot here: (Everyone who auditions is guaranteed a part, the cast will be capped at 45 actors). The number of rehearsals required to attend will depend on the role the actor is cast in, but everyone is required to attend the Full Cast Rehearsals on the calendar. Rehearsals are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, as per the attached calendar in the form link below.

2. Print all forms and bring them filled in to the audition: (except for the final Bio form which will be filled out the first week of practice). Payment is due by the day of audition. The cost is $350 per actor, there is a $50 discount for siblings. Payment methods are paypal, check or cash (as per the above form pack). Printed forms will also be available in the office.

3. Every actor must have a parent/guardian signup to supervise at least one 2 hour practice – the signup link is here:

If your child would like to participate and it’s cost prohibitive for your family please contact:


2023 CDM Drama Club Audition
Full Name