Q: PTA, DMSEF, STEAM+, etc. what does this all mean?
Let’s take a minute to explain the multitude of acronyms/organization names you’ll hear throughout the year.
PTA: The CDM PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a volunteer, parent-sponsored organization whose mission is to positively impact, support, and enhance the overall learning environment at CDM. PTA Association meetings are scheduled throughout the school year and are open to all PTA members. The PTA’s programs help bring the school community together and support our teachers. In years past, PTA fundraising has helped purchase a kiln, maker-space equipment, Chromebooks, lunch tables, and many other wonderful things. Become a member or renew today!
DMSEF: The Del Mar Schools Education Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that exists to raise funds to help pay for specialized teachers in STEAM+ subjects such as Science, Music, Art, Technology and Physical Education for the all the elementary schools in the Del Mar Union School District (DMUSD).
STEAM+: An approach to learning that removes the traditional barriers separating disciplines and integrates them into real-world, rigorous, relevant learning experiences for students. STEAM+ teaching does’t incorporate all disciplines in every lesson, and it’s not always problem- or project-based. But all STEAM+ learning has one thing in common, it provides students the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned or are in the process of learning.
CDM Dad’s Club: The most active Dad’s Club in the district provides an opportunity for parents to become active in their kids’ education. Dad’s Club events include monthly Brown Bag Lunches, Welcome BBQ, the Dragon Ball or Father/Daughter event, Father/Son event, and more. To be added to their mailing list, click here.
School Site Council: The function of this council is to facilitate communication among staff, students, parents, and the community. The council advises staff regarding community conditions, concerns and aspirations. Site Council members encourage community, parental, staff, and student support for school programs.